Thursday, January 17, 2008


with my Crystal Palace Bamboo double pointed needles. I am almost done with my third pair of socks, and I have broken one, and the other four are severly bent. One is on the verge of breaking. I just hope it lasts until I can finish the sock. I only lack the toe! I would like to see if they would replace the broken one, but I can't seem to find a website for them. Maybe I should contact the yarn shop where I bought them. In the mean time I want to purchase another set of dpns, but I'm not sure what brand/material I should buy. Any suggestions?

I am pretty new to sock knitting. I found a really cool chart to figure out how long to knit the foot based on your shoe size.


Crystal Palace Yarns said...


I'm sorry to hear your CPY DPs are bending - most people find them to be among the strongest of the bamboo needle brands.

I'd suggest you give metal DPs a try as I'm betting you have a pretty tight grip on the needles and bamboo may simply not work for you.

If you had broken just a needle, we'd be happy to replace - but reading that all have bent a lot makes me think it's a tight grip thing!

Susan at Crystal Palace

Romi said...

I like Inox metal dpns myself. I also have a tight grip. :)

Crystal Palace Yarns said...

Hi Rachel,

When you emailed me it came with a "cannot email back" email from the blog. Please email me again at

Yes, let's try sending you another set and see how they go.

What size needles (I'm assuming they were 6")?

Tell me your mailing address and we'll send them off to you.

Regards, Susan

Susan C. Druding
Crystal Palace Yarns - Straw Into Gold, Inc.
Richmond, CA 94804