Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yarn p0rn

Classic Elite Dazzle, this was a birthday gift from my stepgrandma for a shawl/stole/shrug thing. She also gave me the pattern.

Rowan Kidsilk Haze. I bought this from a Ravelry member.

Filati Bamboo. I bought it at Ewe & Me in Grove, OK.

Sleeveless Tuxedo Shirt using Filati yarn.
However, it is giving me nothing but headaches. I frogged (the first time) after 10+ inches and thought that my gauge was off......needless to say after restarting and about 2 inches in.....I had been correct on my gauge, I just miss read the gauge. Now, I'm at the same point, pre first frogging, and my number of sts is wrong. Flat out wrong. I should have 104 sts, but only counted 89 sts. HOW CAN I BE SOOOOO OFF????? I put it away, after checking my gauge and measuring the bottom (which is spot on w/ the pattern) and will return when I don't feel like burning it.
On a lighter side, this has given me time work on Nicole. I've been working on my slip up sock, slowly, but there is progress being made. There hasn't been any progress on the Princess Wrap though.
On a non-knitting not, I'm trying to decide if I want to take of work for a week to go with my dad and stepmom to visit my family in Grand Rapids, MN. I have about 1 week to decide.
LOTS of knitting time in the car and while I'm there.
Two yarn stores. 1 I've been to and 1 I found on the internet.
Seeing most of my dad's side of the family that I don't get to see often.
Seeing my cousin who is pregnant for the first time
Not having to work.
Lake time (on the boat, not in the water - OK girl in MN lake = no way!).

Not working = no money (not good for a college student
Missing my friends/boyfriend
9 days with my family with no excape (they can be a little nutty at times)
Last weekend was my birthday and one of my friends bachelorette parties. Friday I went out with friends, but between my apartment and downtown OKC I lost my ID. Had to drive back, look around, and eventually decide that I was not going to find it and grabbed my passport. I was able to get a new one on Monday and it didn't cost too much, but on Friday and Saturday I got odd looks from club/bar bouncer's because of my passport. I didn't have any trouble, but it was funny. Note to self: check back pocket/purse BEFORE getting out of the car.
Well, as always, I'll keep ya'll posted on the WIP's. Have a good Thursday!

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