Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ribbit, Ribbit

Was that a frog that just hopped across my screen? Oh wait, no. It was all that frogging I did on my sock. I got about 3/4 of the way done (past the heel flap), and decided to try it didn't any means possible. It was my first sock, and I didn't really buy sock yarn.... I do want to try my hand at socks again..soon, because I really enjoyed it! I just need to buy some actual sock yarn for SOCKS. ;0)

Question: Does anyone have any sock yarn that they just absolutely love?

I have been knitting away on Nicole. She is coming along beautifully, but somewhat slow. I don't mind though. I am really enjoying the pure simple act of knitting...the yarn and needles working ever so gracefully between my fingers. It's love. I'm also making slow progress on the Princess Wrap. I have 4 repeats + 2 rows. Hopefully I can get some pic's up soon.

I won't be posting for a bit because I'm leaving Friday to go to my parents house and then bright and early (I'm not sure how bright I'll be) Sunday morning we are leaving, along with a group from my dad's church, to go to Rio Bravo, Mexico. We are going on a mission to build 2 houses. They will be 12' x 12' concrete block homes for at lease 2 families. Along with building 2 houses, my father and I will be our group's translators. I hold a bachelor's degree in Spanish, and my dad has been self-teaching as well as attending classes at a local community college for a few years. We have both been to Mexico several times, but I've had a bit more practice. E is from Mexico, and not all of his family speaks English, so when we visit I'm trying my hardest to keep up, and try not to look too confused. About 2 summers ago I spent 1 month in Mexico studying. It was the best thing I could have ever done, and would LOVE to do it again. Needless to say, I should get lots of knitting done on the plane along with practicing Spanish with my dad.

If I don't post before I leave; have a great weekend, week, and weekend. If where you live is still somewhat tolerable weather-wise, enjoy it because I'll be HOT, but loving it!


1 comment:

NH Knitting Mama said...

Have a wonderful trip!

If you're looking for quality sock yarn, check out etsy: The Plucky Knitter shop. Or (etsy) Sereknity Yarns.

A lot of people also like "Socks that Rock" (google that one).